Introduction to Printmaking

with Tara Hughes

Printmaking is a versatile artistic process that embodies both creativity and craftsmanship

About Printmaking

Through various techniques such as woodcut or screen printing, artists can transform their ideas into tangible artworks with unique qualities.

The beauty of printmaking lies in its potential for experimentation with different materials, colours, and textures. Each print carries the artist's handiwork and reflects the intricate nuances of the printmaking process, making it a distinct form of artistic expression.

What Students will Learn:

This course explores the captivating world of printmaking. You'll delve into three techniques:

screen printing

relief printing


Screen print

Colour screen print


More about the course

Through hands-on instruction and guided practice, you'll learn the techniques of each method, from preparing screens and carving blocks to constructing collagraph plates.

Discover the versatility of screen printing as you master the art of layering colours and creating striking compositions.

Explore relief printing techniques, where you'll carve intricate designs into linoleum and wood blocks to produce bold and expressive prints.

Experiment with the process of collagraphy, using various materials to build textured plates that yield detailed prints.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced artist, this course offers a stimulating journey into the diverse realm of printmaking. 

  • The class is open to everyone and no experience is needed.

  • All materials are included in the course fee

  • Option to continue to advanced course later